The Bible tells us again and again to sing new songs to the Lord.  We believe new songs will naturally flow out of a worshiper’s life that is filled with praise, surrendering, and intimacy with Abba.  


New Songs 新歌 

Our goal in the worship training school is to impart the heart of worship, the pursuit of holiness, and the spirit of excellence to our students – to sharpen our heart, our spirit, and our musical skills for the purpose of worship.

我們敬拜培訓學校的目的是要教導傳授學生,去追求聖潔,培育清潔的心,活出全人全面的敬拜人生 - 不斷提升我們,在心靈並音樂技能都有長進,將我們最好的獻上作為聖潔蒙神悦納的敬拜。

Training 敬拜培訓 ›

Our mission is to cultivate, train and equip believers according to Biblical teaching, to become Spirit-filled worshipers and intimate lovers of Jesus who seek the Father’s heart. 


About Us 關於我們 ›